FinTech Services for Sustainable Development 

An empowered global financial community making a positive impact.

maat Bank simplifies the investment process for Smart and Sustainable Socio Economic Initiatives around the world, with innovative solutions, access to market guidance, and a team of experts working together to provide a seamless experience.

maat Bank distinguishes itself as a leader in continually seeking new and better ways to simplify global investing in complex global environments. Wealth management requires time, expertise, and strategy. Let our streamlined processes, trusted financial professionals, and best-in-class technologies do all the work, so you can have more time to live your life and the invaluable peace of mind to enjoy it.

Our Impact

What we Do ?
How do we Do it ?
Our Value Proposition

Our goal is to provide the framework, technology, capital and training to allow Sustainable Nations to follow in our footsteps to open financial centers of their own

Our goal is to provide the framework, technology, capital and training to allow Sustainable Nations to follow in our footsteps to open financial centers of their own

Our Portfolio for Sustainable Businesses and Initiatives with high transformational socio-economic impact leverages enhanced tools, resources, and flexibility to deliver goods and services to life changing and citizen welfare 

Our Portfolio for Sustainable Businesses and Initiatives with high transformational socio-economic impact leverages enhanced tools, resources, and flexibility to deliver goods and services to life changing and citizen welfare 

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION is definitely the most powerful force to create positive changes in the world and the engine of global economic growth

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION is definitely the most powerful force to create positive changes in the world and the engine of global economic growth


Transparency, Trust and Intregity | Working directly

We also works directly with Sustainable Communities. We primarily and exclusively offers its services to its citizens, confederations, joint venture partners, governments, financial institutions, agencies, and other sovereign entities

Our goal is to provide the framework, technology, capital and training Sustainable Initiatives and Social Entrepreneurs to follow in our footsteps to open financial centers of their own.

We do offer services to select foreign businesses, and a variety of different trust type entities with varying criteria and requirements for each

Our Sector Priorities | Fostering initiatives

Housing, Infrastructure and Critical Minerals, Energy, Food Security and Agriculture, Health, Small Business and Financial Services...

Small, early-stage businesses are forging some of the most creative and effective solutions to challenges facing the developing world today, but they often face hurdles accessing the financing needed to scale their operations

Our Portfolio for Impact and Innovation initiatives leverages enhanced tools, resources, and flexibility to deliver goods and services to life changing and citizen welfare  

Leading Digital Transformation

DIGITAL TRANSFORMATION is definitely the most powerful force to create positive changes in the world and the engine of global economic growth; MODERNIZING processes, OPTIMIZING activity, APPLYING the precepts of the Circular Economy and DEPLOYING new models of organization and collaboration

The Platform has been designed to accompany the constant and dizzying technological evolution, based on a flexible and parameterizable model, able to sharing information and deploying collaborative environments, from which users can develop their OWN FINANCING STRATEGY